Legal Notice



Company name: Hotel La Cachette


Full address: Hotel La Cachette - 272 allΓ©e Charlotte Perriand - Arc 1600 - 73700 BOURG SAINT MAURICE


Tel: +33 (0)4 79 07 70 50

Contact email :


Corporate name: SAS LA CACHETTE


RCS : 879 880 953 R.C.S. CHAMBERY


Share capital: €4,550,614


VAT number : FR 10879880953


Function of this site: Promotion of the establishment


Director of the publication: Eric Belluardo & Laurent Chelle


Legal representative: Eric Belluardo & Laurent Chelle


The purpose of this site is to :

- Information content

- Online information collection




In case of dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will try to find an amicable solution.


After contacting the customer service department and if there is no satisfactory response within 6 months, the customer may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details and procedures for referral are available on his website:
